Child-Resistant Closures for Homecare

Governmental laws require protecting hazardous contents from children, especially when dealing with hazardous chemicals from cleaning products.

At Rieke, we understand the importance of protecting children against hazardous products and protecting the integrity of our customers. That is why we have utilized our in-house expertise in collaboration with our customers to develop our wide range of two-piece child-resistant closures.  
Our two-piece designs have been certified with ISO 2513, to ensure that the product cannot be open by children. Rieke’s child-resistant closures provides you with a peace of mind through achieving high-quality certified products.

Our caps such as the S28 CR cap for PET neck are safe to use as it has a coordinated press and turn feature, to ensure it is only open by the right people.
Our caps are compatible with various formulas, such as cleaning chemicals, bleach, and other hazardous chemicals. Designed to reduce the risk of misuse by children. 
To learn more about our child-resistant caps click here.  

Discover how we can help you. Get in touch today.